How Bowling Scoring Works: A Step-by-Step Guide

As an avid bowler, I have often marveled at the intricacies of the scoring system. Bowling scoring, at its core, is a simple process of calculating the number of pins knocked down each frame. However, additional bonus points awarded for strikes and spares make it a little more complex than just counting pins. By understanding the basics of scoring, you can enhance your enjoyment of the game and improve your performance.

To get started, there are ten frames in a single bowling game. Each frame allows you two attempts to knock down all ten pins, except for the final frame, which may have extra rolls depending on your performance. The goal is to accumulate the highest score possible throughout the game, considering the number of pins knocked down and the bonus points earned from strikes and spares.

When rolling a strike (knocking all ten pins down in one roll) or a spare (knocking all ten pins down across two rolls in the same frame), the scoring rewards you with additional points based on your next rolls. For example, a strike grants you ten points plus the next two rolls, while a spare gives you ten points plus the first roll of your next frame. These bonus points add an extra layer of strategy and excitement to the game, encouraging players to strive for consistency and skillful execution.

Basic Bowling Game Structure

Understanding the game’s structure is essential for playing and scoring in bowling. In this section, I will discuss the number of frames in a game and how bowlers take turns.

Number of Frames

A standard bowling game consists of 10 frames, during which each player takes turns to roll the ball down the lane. The main objective is to knock down as many pins as possible on each turn. It’s important to note that in each frame, a bowler is allowed a maximum of two rolls, except for a strike or a spare in the 10th frame.

Bowlers’ Turns

When it’s my turn to bowl, I will take my position at the start of the lane, ready to throw the ball. If I knock down all 10 pins on the first roll, that’s considered a “strike,” and my turn for that frame ends immediately. If I don’t knock down all the pins on the first roll, I have another chance to knock down the remaining pins on my second roll.

If I knock down the remaining pins on the second roll, it is called a “spare.” However, if I fail to knock down all the pins after two rolls, it is called an “open frame.” After my turn, the next bowler plays their frame until all players have completed their 10 frames.

In bowling, scoring depends on the number of pins knocked down and any strikes or spares achieved. By understanding the basic structure of a bowling game and the various scenarios, I can more accurately assess my performance and work towards improving my skills.

Scoring System Components

Pin Count

When I’m bowling, the pin count is the most basic scoring component. Each pin that I knock down during my turn earns me one point. For example, if I knock down 5 pins on my first roll and 3 pins on my second roll, I get a total of 8 points for that frame.


A strike is when I knock down all 10 pins on my first roll of a frame. When this happens, I’m rewarded with 10 points for knocking down all the pins and bonus points for my next two rolls. These bonus points are added to the frame score in which I scored the strike. For instance, if I score a strike in the first frame and then knock down 3 pins on my first roll and 4 pins on my second roll in the next frame, the score for my first frame would be 10 (for the strike) + 3 + 4, making it 17 points.

Read more about the strike here: A Strike in Bowling – Did you know all this?


A spare happens when I knock down all 10 pins using both rolls within a frame. Like a strike, I’m also awarded bonus points for my next roll. For example, if I knock down 7 pins on my first roll and the last 3 pins on my second roll for a spare, and then knock down 5 pins on my next roll, the score for the frame with the spare would be 10 (for the pins) + 5, making it 15 points.

Read more on spare in this article: What is a spare in bowling?

Open Frame

An open frame occurs when I don’t knock down all 10 pins within a frame, meaning I have yet to score a strike or a spare. In this case, my score for the frame is simply the number of pins knocked down during my two rolls. If I knock down 6 pins on my first roll and 2 pins on my second roll in a frame, my score for that frame would be 8 points.

Using these scoring components, I can effectively track my performance and strategize my gameplay in bowling.

Read more about frames in bowling here: What is a Frame in Bowling?

Calculating Score

Simple Scoring

When calculating the score in bowling, I start by adding the number of pins I knocked down in each frame. Each frame has two rolls, and the combined number of pins knocked down in those two rolls is the score for that frame. For example, if I knock down five pins in the first roll and three in the second, my score for that frame is eight.

Strike Scoring

When I bowl a strike (knocking down all 10 pins in the first roll), the scoring becomes a bit more complicated. A strike not only gives me 10 points for that frame but also adds the scores of my next two rolls as a bonus to the total score of that frame. For instance, if I hit a strike in the first frame, then roll a 3 and a 5 in the second frame, my score for the first frame would be 18 (10 + 3 + 5).

Spare Scoring

Like strikes, a bonus is added to my score when I roll a spare (knocking down all ten pins in the two rolls of a frame). A spare earns me 10 points for the frame, plus the score of my next roll as a bonus to the total score of that frame. So, if I knock down seven pins in the first roll and three in the second (making a spare), then roll a 4 in the next frame, my score for the spare frame would be 14 (10 + 4).

Manual Scoring versus Automatic Scoring

In the early days, manual scoring was the common way to track scores. During those times, players had to calculate their scores manually using a pencil and paper. This method was more time-consuming and prone to errors as it relied on the players’ understanding of the scoring rules. However, manual scoring gave players an in-depth knowledge of the game’s mechanics. It helped them improve their skills along the way.

Automatic scoring systems have recently become widely adopted in bowling alleys. These systems are designed to track players’ scores accurately and efficiently, eliminating the need for manual calculations. The PULSE Scoring Entertainment System and Steltronic automatic scoring system are examples of automated scoring systems commonly used in modern bowling alleys. They come equipped with interactive touchscreens, customizable scoring grids, and entertaining visuals, making the game more engaging for players.

Automatic scoring systems have advantages, such as increased convenience and more accurate scoring. Players no longer have to worry about calculating their scores, allowing them to focus on improving their game. Additionally, automatic scoring systems have various features that help enhance the overall bowling experience, from displaying animated graphics to tracking individual performance with detailed statistics.

On the other hand, using automatic scoring systems may cause a lack of understanding of the game’s scoring rules for some players, as they rely on the system to calculate their scores. This could lead to less engagement with the game and diminished recognition of their performance improvements.

In conclusion, manual and automatic scoring methods have benefits and drawbacks. While manual scoring provides a thorough understanding of the game’s mechanics and greater involvement, automated scoring systems offer convenience, accuracy, and a more immersive gaming experience. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and the level of engagement one wishes to have with the game.

Common Misconceptions and Mistakes

One common misconception that I often come across is the belief that simply adding up the pins knocked down in each frame will accurately reflect a player’s total bowling score. In reality, the scoring system is more complex, considering strikes and spares award the player bonus points based on subsequent rolls. For instance, a spare earns the player bonus points equal to the number of pins knocked down during the next roll. In contrast, a strike earns the player bonus points equal to the number of pins knocked down in the following two rolls.

Another mistake I’ve seen is players needing to properly understand how to count strikes and spares on their scorecards. When you bowl a strike, you must wait for your next two shots before determining your total score for that frame. Similarly, with a spare, you must wait for your next roll to know the exact frame score. You must account for these bonuses to avoid getting a significantly lower score than you have earned.

Moreover, I’ve observed that some people must know the tenth-frame scoring rule differences. Unlike other frames, if you score a strike or a spare in the tenth frame, you get additional bonus rolls to complete your bonus points. You receive one extra roll for a spare and two for a strike. It is essential to know this rule, as it can significantly impact your final score and overall performance in the game.

Lastly, I’ve noticed that many new players need to mark their scorecards properly. Using the appropriate symbols, like an “X” for a strike and a “/” for a spare, helps to avoid any confusion during the game, making it easier for all players to track their progress and enjoy the experience.

By recognizing and avoiding these common misconceptions and mistakes, players can improve their understanding of the bowling scoring system and ultimately have a more enjoyable and accurate experience while playing this timeless sport.

Strategies for Higher Scores

Targeting Consistency

One aspect I always focus on to improve my bowling scores is consistency. I’ve learned that consistent steps and speed are critical. Aiming for a steady approach, I ensure taking four steps:

  1. Move the ball out: The first step begins when I move the ball in front of me.
  2. Swing down: I swing the ball toward the ground in the second step.
  3. Swing back: During the third step, I swing the ball back and behind, preparing for the throw.
  4. Release: My fourth and final step is to swing forward and let go of the ball, ensuring a consistent release.

Holding the ball properly also plays an essential role, which helps maintain consistent throws for higher scores.

Check out more tips here: Bowling Tips: Master the Game with Expert Techniques.

Understanding Lane Conditions

Understanding and adapting to lane conditions can greatly impact my score. Bowling lanes may have different oil patterns, which affect how the ball behaves when thrown.

  • Understanding Oil Patterns: The oil pattern on a bowling lane determines how the ball will roll. The pattern sheet of a lane provides information about the length and volume of oil used. Typically, the middle of the lane is heavily saturated with oil, while the outsides are more lightly coated, allowing bowlers to get a better hook from the outside.
  • Types of Oil Patterns: There are various types of oil patterns used in bowling lanes. Two popular organizations, PBA (Professional Bowlers Association) and Kegel, account for most of these patterns. PBA has two types of patterns, Animal, and Legend, while Kegel organizes their patterns by difficulty.
  • Adapting to the Pattern: The ability to adjust your game to match the oil pattern on the bowling lane is crucial. The Rule of 31 can be used to determine where the ball will start to break and where to aim the bowling ball. The type of pattern used also depends on the skill level of the bowlers, with house patterns being used for recreational leagues and sports patterns for professional leagues.

I adjust my throws based on lane conditions and remain mindful of the oil patterns. By doing so, my aiming point and trajectory change accordingly, helping me achieve more strikes, spares, and, ultimately, higher scores in bowling.

Read more about oil patterns here in our in-depth article: How to Read Bowling Lane Oil Patterns.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is a spare scored in bowling?

A spare is scored when I knock down all 10 pins in two attempts within a frame. To calculate the score for a spare, I add the total number of pins knocked down in that frame (10) plus the number of pins I knock down on my next throw. For example, if I get a spare in the first frame and knock down 5 pins in the first roll of the second frame, the score for the first frame would be 15 points.

What is the scoring method for a strike?

A strike is scored when I knock down all 10 pins on my first attempt in a frame. To calculate the score for a strike, I add the total number of pins knocked down in that frame (10) plus the number of pins knocked down in my next two throws. For example, if I score a strike in the first frame and then knock down 3 pins and 4 pins in the second frame, the score for the first frame would be 17 points.

Can you calculate the total points for three consecutive strikes?

In bowling, three consecutive strikes are known as a “turkey.” To calculate the total points for three consecutive strikes, let’s say in the first three frames, I would score each frame like this:

  • For the first frame, I would add 10 (for the strike) plus the next two throws, which are both strikes, so 20 more points. This results in 30 points for the first frame.
  • For the second frame, I would again add 10 (for the strike) plus the next two throws (strike and the first throw in the fourth frame). I get 5 pins in my following throw; the score for the second frame would be 25 points.
  • For the third frame, I would add 10 (for the strike) plus my two throws in the fourth frame (let’s say 5 and 4 pins). The score for the third frame would be 19 points.

In this scenario, the total for these three frames would be 30 + 25 + 19 = 74 points.

What’s the difference between a strike and spare points?

While both strikes and spares involve knocking down all 10 pins in a frame, the main difference in scoring lies in the number of additional throws considered for calculation. I add the pins knocked down in my next two throws for a strike, while for a spare, I only add the pins knocked down in my next throw.

How do you determine an average bowling score?

My average bowling score is calculated by dividing the total sum of all my scores from multiple games by the number of games I’ve played. Various factors may affect my averages, such as my skill level, knowledge of the game, and consistency in performance. For beginning players, an average score of around 90-120 is considered typical.

Read more about the average bowling score in our article: What is a Good Score in Bowling?

What is the maximum score possible in a single game?

The maximum score possible in a single game of 10-pin bowling is 300 points. This occurs when I bowl a perfect game, which entails getting a strike in every frame, including three strikes in the final (10th) frame.

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