Bowling is a game of skill and accuracy, and understanding the different ways to score can help you bowl a better game. For the purpose of scoring, each game of bowling is divided into ten frames, each frame giving a player two chances to knock down the pins.
So, what is meant by a frame in bowling?
A frame refers to a single turn given to a bowler with two chances to knock down the pins. All frames in a bowling game are alike except the last or tenth frame, in which the bowler gets one or two additional rolls if they hit a spare or a strike.
There are a total of ten frames in a single game. The maximum score a player can make in one frame is 30. To achieve this score, they will have to roll 12 strikes total, with three strikes in the final frame.
Let’s find out more about the concept of frame in bowling and explore some other related terms.

How Many Frames Are There in Bowling?
A single game of ten-pin bowling consists of ten frames. The scoring for each frame is based on the number of pins that fall in two rolls. If a player is not successful in knocking down all pins in two turns, it results in an open frame. We will discuss open and closed frames in the next section.
The scoring after a strike and a spare is slightly different from normal scoring. This is because a player gets ten points after a strike plus the number of pins knocked down on their next two rolls in the following frame.
Similarly, for a spare, the player gets ten points in their first frame plus the number of pins that fell on the first roll of the second frame as bonus points.
Scoring is recorded in all game frames in a similar way except for the last frame. The tenth frame of bowling is when the bowler gets two extra balls after a strike to allow them to make 30 points by knocking down all pins on both shots that follow.
Keeping these scoring rules in mind, a player can achieve a total of 300 points, but only if they manage to roll 12 strikes in a row. They can do this by rolling strikes in each of the first nine frames and then three strikes in the final or tenth frame. This way, each frame will be worth 30 points for this player, and the game will end at a total of 300 points, which is also known as a perfect score.
Types of Frames in Bowling
Every bowler wants to achieve the highest points in a single frame. That is possible only when they can knock down all pins on their first roll, which is known as a strike.
A strike is a great way to start your turn in bowling. Not only do you receive ten points, but you also get a bonus for the next two balls. This can help you rack up many points quickly and put you ahead of your opponents.
Another possibility is that the bowler may achieve a spare by knocking down all pins on their second roll. The score, in this case, is ten plus whatever is scored with the next ball. Both a strike and a spare are great ways to improve your average.
Let’s look at the different ways a bowler may end their turn.
Open Frame
An open frame in bowling is when the bowler fails to knock down all ten pins in two tries. The player will not get any bonus for a strike or a spare, but they are awarded a score equal to the number of pins knocked down in two turns.
An open frame is an undesirable situation in a game of bowling; no player would want to end their turn with an open frame.
There are many reasons a bowler may have an open frame, such as poor aim, incorrect ball weight, or bad luck. Whatever the reason, an open frame can be frustrating for a bowler, as it results in a lower score.
Closed Frame
A frame in which you end up knocking down all ten pins by a strike or a spare is called a closed frame. This is not always practical, especially if you aim for a strike on your first roll.
Every bowler wants to start their game with a closed frame. Not only does it help to improve their score, but it also sets up the stage for the remaining frames that follow.
Clean Frame
A clean game occurs when there is not even one open frame in a game. This means all frames were closed frames, or in other words, the bowler managed to get either a strike or a spare on all ten frames.
What is the Most Important Frame in Bowling?
For some players, the first frame is the most important as it builds momentum and allows them to read the lane conditions. It sets the tone for the rest of the game. If you manage to knock down all ten pins on your first try, you’ll likely have a good game.
Conversely, it can be difficult to recover if you don’t knock down any pins. Second, the first frame can give you an early lead that can be difficult for your opponents to catch up to.
Some people consider the last or tenth frame the most important one. This is because this frame allows them to strike out and improve their score. The goal is to bowl a strike on the first throw of the tenth frame, so you can get two extra deliveries.