There are several ways to play the game of bowling. Every player has their own style and approach to releasing the ball onto the lane. However, expert bowlers give some tips that can significantly improve a beginner’s game. One of these tips is to get your backswing right.
The motion you make with your arm before releasing the ball onto the bowling lane is called backswing. This movement is similar to that of a pendulum. Your arm swing is supposed to be straight from the top of the swing to the bottom of the release point.
A good backswing can help you to bowl more accurately and with more power. If you fail to follow the best practices, you won’t be able to deliver a perfect shot. And blaming the balls and lane conditions for a poor shot won’t do any good.
This article will examine what backswing means and how you can improve your backswing to bowl more precisely.

Characteristics of a Good Bowling Arm Swing
Checking how you swing in bowling is a good starting point to improve your game. Even if you’re following the tips and tricks of a good backswing, some other factors may negatively affect your swing.
There are two main steps to consider when perfecting your arm swing: the starting position and the release.
The starting position is crucial because it sets the tone for the rest of the swing. The bowler should start with their arm extended fully and their hand behind the ball. From here, they will bring their arm back in a smooth, controlled motion.
The objective here is to get the leg out of the way in order to achieve a straight arm swing. You should be holding the ball right under your chin when you approach the lane. The height is also an important factor to consider. Make sure the ball is not higher than your natural waistline.
The next step is to make sure your body is out of the way before you backswing. Many beginner bowlers swing across themselves, resulting in a ball drifting to the left of the pocket. This problem is known as “pulling the ball” in bowling terms.
When you are sure your arm rests on the side of your body and is not too far in front of you, it’s time to get to the second part of the backswing.
The release is just as important as the starting position. The bowler should aim to release the ball at the top of his swing when the arm is fully extended. This will ensure that the ball has the most power and momentum.
Remember to swing your arm in a smooth motion. If you swing your arm too fast, the result will not be as accurate. You should also not swing your arm too slowly.
You should also follow through with your arm after you release the ball. This will help to ensure that you have thrown the ball correctly.
Read more on that here: What is follow through in bowling?
What Constitutes a Bad Arm Swing?
While it’s possible to perfect your backswing by practice, other factors may contribute to a bad arm swing. Some of these have been highlighted here.
Incorrect Footwork
An important point to keep in mind for good footwork in your backswing is to keep your feet shoulder-width apart and parallel to the foul line. This will help you maintain balance and generate more power in your swing.
Additionally, be sure to keep your weight evenly distributed on both feet. Take a small step forward with your left foot before you release the ball. If you’re not following these tips, you might be in for a lousy arm swing.
Muscle Tension
Forcing more turns or trying to hold the ball too tightly gives rise to muscle tension. Make sure you have a relaxed grip, and the ball is resting on your fingers when you follow through. This will help impart more spin to the ball and a clean shot.
Inappropriate Ball
If you have to grip the ball too tightly, it’s not the right fit for you and can negatively affect your backswing. Choose a ball that lets you relax when you approach the lane.
Read more here: What Weight Bowling Ball Should I Use?
Not Focusing on the Target
Even when you’re taking your first steps to bowl, your focus should be on the target. Your arm swing should follow the direction of your eyes where you’re looking at the target. When your focus is elsewhere, your backswing will suffer.
Read more on aiming here: How to Aim in Bowling.
Improving Your Backswing in Bowling
One of the most important things to remember when doing your backswing is keeping your arm straight. We have already looked at what might happen if your arm is not straight or is too much in front of your body.
Check out this youtube-video on “Keys to an Effortless Bowling Swing”.
Another point to remember is to keep your elbow close to your body. This will help to keep your arm straight and will also give you more power. Try to keep your wrist firm as you swing back, which will help you control the ball better.
It is advised to keep your body relaxed when you are doing your backswing. If you are tense, you won’t be able to bowl like a pro. Taking a deep breath before you bowl helps to relax your body.
Professional bowlers keep their hands behind the ball to bowl more accurately. Remember, you are also expected to keep your fingers behind the ball. Practicing your backswing while keeping your eyes on the target can significantly improve your game.
Many bowlers tend to use their arms too much when they swing, which can lead to inaccurate shots. Focusing on using your shoulder muscles can help ensure you get a more robust and accurate swing.
Remember, a good bowling arm swing is the key to a successful throw. By perfecting your starting position and release, you can ensure that each throw is at its best.
More to read here: How to Throw a Bowling Ball.