Understanding bowling oil patterns is important if you want to improve your bowling game. In addition to protecting the wooden bowling lanes from getting damaged, oil patterns are studied by bowlers to consistently hook their balls and make them skid and move straight down the middle of the lane.
As such, oil patterns are used to determine what is known as your “breakpoint.”
In bowling, the breakpoint is the point on the lane where the ball starts to hook. This point is different for every bowler, and it is determined by several factors, including the type of ball being used, the bowler’s style, and the lane conditions.
A breakpoint is important in bowling because it allows the bowler to control the ball’s speed and direction and helps create a more consistent shot. Whether you are trying to bowl a strike or a spare, remember this reference point.
So, let’s find out why breakpoints are important and how to determine your breakpoint for a more consistent play.
Why is the Breakpoint Important?
The breakpoint can help a bowler to strike or spare, and it is important for bowlers to find the breakpoint that works best for them. Bowlers can increase their chances of success by using the right weight ball, practicing their aim, and keeping their hand behind the ball.
By controlling the speed and direction of the ball, a bowler can control the outcome of their shot. Another reason breakpoint is important in bowling is that it helps create a more consistent shot.
If a bowler can hit the same breakpoint each time, they will be more likely to get a strike or spare. However, if a bowler cannot hit the same breakpoint each time, their shot will be less consistent.
If you want to determine your best targeting method based on the trajectory and lane conditions, you have to understand the use of breakpoints. Pro bowlers call it staying “ahead of the lanes,” and it involves not just knowing which arrow to target but also finding your breakpoint and adjusting to it.
The amount of oil on the lane can greatly impact where the breakpoint is. If there is a lot of oil, it will tend to slow down the ball and make it hook more. This can make it difficult to hit the pocket. If there is not enough oil, the ball will not hook as much, and it will be easier to hit the pocket.
Read more about it in this article: How to Read Bowling Lane Oil Patterns.
How to Find the Breakpoint?
The breakpoint can be determined by following the rule of 31. This equation was developed by bowling experts so you can estimate your breakpoint, and it is based on the oil pattern distance.
Simply take the distance of the oil pattern and subtract 31. This way, you can determine your breakpoint located at the end of that pattern. You will get a figure which reads like this: 10 board, 41 feet down the lane. This means the oil pattern distance is 41 feet, and your breakpoint is located on 10 boards.
To strike consistently, you must match the lane conditions as the game advances. And this involves adjusting your speed, axis rotation, and ball choice.
Remember that there are many other factors that can affect your breakpoint. These factors include the type of oil applied to the lane and the balls used during the game. You can experiment with different weights and speeds of balls to determine your exact breakpoint during a game.
Another thing that affects your breakpoint is the lane surface. The surface can be wooden or synthetic. Since wooden lanes have a softer finish, the ball will likely hook sooner. On the other hand, balls are more likely to skid down a synthetic lane making the breakpoint fall farther away.
There are many types of oil patterns used in recreational and professional bowling. It’s not important to go into the details of these patterns because they vary from game to game. But if you want to get a general idea as a beginner, just remember that there is more oil down the middle of the lane and less oil on the sides.
This is known as a “house pattern.” This pattern helps beginners and experts easily find their target and stick to it. It also makes sure there are no off-throws. The other type of oil pattern is known as sport pattern, and these types of patterns are only used to give competitive bowlers some really hard challenges.
Oil patterns can affect your shot in several ways. Just remember that regardless of the distance of a breakpoint from the pocket, it can be reached from different launch angles.
If the oil patterns are long-distance (42 feet and further), the breakpoint will be closer to the pocket and vice versa. On short-distance patterns, expect your breakpoint to be closer to the gutter. And as the distance increases, your breakpoint moves closer to the pocket.
Types of Breakpoints in Bowling
There are two main types of breakpoints: the power breakpoint and the control breakpoint. The power breakpoint is the point on the lane where the ball will hook the most. This is the point that bowlers should aim for when they are trying to strike.
Heavier balls will hook earlier than lighter balls, so it is important to find a ball with the right weight for your bowling style.
Read more about it in this article: What Weight Bowling Ball Should I Use?
The control breakpoint is the point on the lane where the ball will hook the least. This is the point that bowlers should aim for when they are trying to spare. The breakpoint is an important factor in bowling and can make the difference between a strike and a gutter ball.
Understanding your own control breakpoint is essential to becoming a successful bowler, regardless of your style or technique. Knowing where your breakpoint is, you can adjust your game to improve your accuracy and score.